"After Jesus' failure and death, his disciples stole his body and declared his resurrection in order to maintain their financial security and ensure themselves some standing."
Deckaring Jesus ressurection certainly did nothing to increase the desciples' financial security or standing. Rather, in ensured their deaths. To believe this theory, you must believe the disciples did the following things:
1. So demoralized by Jeasus' arrest that at least one denied knowing him and more by his death, nonetheless managed to hatch a plan to turn the situation around.
2. Knowing that those who killed Jesus would no doubt like to kill them, too, nonetheless decided that a good plan was to proclam their association with a known (to them) dead Jesus.
3. Managed to pull off the feat, even though there was a Roman guard at the tomb specifically to preclude this possibility.
4. Completely bungled their staging of the Resurection. The proper thing would have been to call the 1st-century version of a press conference at the appointed time to spotlight the empty tomb. Instead, when told of the resurrection, they disbelieved it.
5. Resisted the temptation to say, when faced with death, "It's obvious you want to destroy Christianity. If you don't kill me, I'll tell you how we did it and where the body is. Then you can produce it, be a hero, and eliminate the movement once and for all."
Not only is there a lack of evidence for any of these things, they are contrary to what we know of human nature.